Do you know a Colorado emergency nurse, educator or leader who goes above and beyond? Nominate them today for an award!
Our nominees will be recognized at our annual education
conference on December 7, 2024.
Award winners will receive a special gift to commemorate their achievement.
Nominations are open August 1 - October 25, 2024
This award honors a member of Colorado Emergency Nurses Association who exhibits passion, knowledge, skill, and professionalism in emergency care.
Criteria for nominees:
Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (e.g., flight nursing, ED staff, educator, manager, or Advanced Practice)
Must be a current member of ENA and an RN.
This award recognizes exceptional dedication and lasting impact to emergency nursing over a career of compassionate healthcare service.
Criteria for nominees:
Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (e.g., flight nursing, ED staff, educator, manager, or Advanced Practice)
Must be a seasoned ENA member with significant contributions to ENA.
This award celebrates those that inspire us to be better, to go above & beyond, and serve our patients, our community, and our profession.
Criteria for nominees:
Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (e.g., flight nursing, ED staff, educator, manager, or Advanced Practice).
This award recognizes a nurse who has consistently demonstrated excellence in the profession of emergency nursing and has made significant contribution to emergency nursing as a clinical leader.
Criteria for nominees:
Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (e.g., flight nursing, ED staff, educator, manager, or Advanced Practice).
This award honors someone who has made a significant contribution to ENA by promoting ENA as the professional organization for emergency nurses at the local, state, or national level.
Criteria for nominees:
Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (e.g., flight nursing, ED staff, educator, manager, or Advanced Practice)
Must be a new ENA member (less than 3 years).
This award celebrates an individual who has made significant contributions to the education of emergency medicine for colleagues, nursing students, EMS personnel, patients, families, and/or the community.
Criteria for nominees:
Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (e.g., flight nursing, ED staff, educator, manager, or Advanced Practice)
Recipients pictured from left to right: Nurse Educator Award – Sarah Mckee (accepted by Marian Dirks), Inspire Award – Kory Scheideman, Nurse Leader Award – Dawn Hovanec, Excellence in Emergency Nursing – Rebecca Harmon, Rising Star Award – Kristina Harris, Lifetime Achievement Award – Pam Bourg (accepted by Mark Goldstein)
Winner: Pam Bourg
Winner: Kristina Harris
Winner: Sarah McKee
Winner: Rebecca Harmon
Winner: Kory Scheideman
Winner: Dawn Hovanec
Winner: Pam Howes
Winner: Deb Skeen
Winner: Laura Mericle
Winner: Marian Dirks
Winner: Brad Lehmann
Winner: Brandon Garvey